Latest Episodes

Retirement Here, There, or Everywhere with Pat Vitucci- (Part 2)
Considering retirement? Should you upsize, downsize, stay in California or move, what does one needs to retire? Michael asked well-known radio host and Financial...

Retirement Here, There, or Everywhere with Pat Vitucci-(Part 1)
Thinking about “pulling back the power” and retiring? Then you must be considering the questions should I upsize, downsize, stay in California or should...

Physicians: Angels Among Us and Dr. Sri-(Part 1)
Michael Hatfield interviews world-renowned Mayo Clinic Cardiologist Dr. Komandoor Srivathsan in Physicians: Angels Among Us, Part 1. *Heard Weekly on the Bay Area's KGO-810am...
Physicians: Angels Among Us and Dr. Sri-(Part 2)
Michael Hatfield interviews Mayo Clinic renowned Cardiologist Dr. Komandoor Srivathsan. *Heard Weekly on the Bay Area's KGO-810am and KSFO-560am radio stations* In Physicians:Angels Among...