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Special Edition 9-11 (Part 2)
What have we learned from the attack on our nation more than two decades ago? Some may have forgotten, some may not have been...

Special Edition 9-11 (Part 1)
Twenty-two years later, as a nation, what have we learned from the attack on our country? This show, entitled “Special Edition-911-Part 1” is based...

The Client is Always #1
Want to buy a home? Need a Mortgage Loan? Experienced, long-time lender Mike Goldstein, President of Coast Capital Mortgage, shares what one needs to...

The Eyes Have It
Have you ever suffered from a detached retina in your eye? If so, you will want to see this man walk into the treatment...
Mr. Encouragement – A Special Trait
Want to work where folks really want you to succeed and help you whenever you may need it? This is the case when you...

Commercial Success and Arabians
So, you want own your own horse? But not “just a horse” you insist your new horse be an Arabian. Our guest today has...