2025 Gonna Start A Resolution!

Episode 2 December 20, 2024 00:28:54

Hosted By

Michael Hatfield

Show Notes


In the words of Oscar Wilde, “Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a Bank where they have no bank account” and Mark Twain elaborated, “Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hades with them just as usual!”

In this episode, we unpack the importance of Resolutions and the results of following through with them in the New Year!  Do not miss this exciting episode!

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The weekly 1 hour Show of (2) 30-minute episodes airs every Saturday on the San Francisco Bay Area’s largest am radio stations: KSFO810am from 5:00pm-6:00pm and on KSFO560am from 9:00pm to 10:00pm. The “Real Estate and MORE!” Show also airs Sunday mornings on KSFO810am from 08:00-09:00am.

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Show 72, Segment 2, originally airing December 28, 2024.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Welcome back to the Real Estate and More Show. I'm your host, Michael Hadfield. Well, we're bumping up next to the New Year. It's just right around the corner. We have big things to talk about with people this morning. Their New Year's resolutions. I was just pondering about these resolutions. It's not that resolutions are so darn hard to think up. The issue is in their execution, I mean, actually doing them. We have several guests today that are going to share their resolutions with us. So welcome to the show. It's going to be a resolution. [00:00:40] Speaker B: Well, you know, we're always talking about resolutions at the New Year, always talking about them because we can't seem to get to them during the year. So we're going to talk to a few people and find out what their personal resolutions are for 2024. I have Jerry here, an awesome guy. He's always got something to say, something the world. And also he's had a new birthday and he looks younger by the years. So Jerry, what are your resolutions for 2024? [00:01:11] Speaker C: I haven't made a lot of them right now, but I know as I think about it, probably 1 6, 5. That's where I want to be when I'm walking around the streets. About time I got there and I can do this and I've struggled with it for years, but that's a really important goal is my health. [00:01:35] Speaker B: Absolutely. [00:01:36] Speaker C: I have to have good health and I've kind of not paid enough attention to that. So this year, starting before Christmas actually, because we're splitting meals now and watching what we put into our bodies. So that's one goal. Family always is top up there. We have a very close and happy family. And I just want to make it even better if I can because they look to me as being the leader and in the family. That's where I want to be and more appreciation for things around me. I don't say thank you enough to a lot of people, to a lot of things, to God himself made my life great and I can't repay that. But I can enjoy it and spread the word. [00:02:31] Speaker B: Absolutely. You know, I go back to where you first started and you said my health, my health. We just had a well known nutritionist, a person that has been involved in the health trade for a number of years, like a couple decades, Karen owak. She's on KRON 4 all the time. She's a really neat lady. But her focus is that we do a lot of damage over the years to our bodies if we're not really paying attention and taking care of them the way that I should have been also. So we can do this damage over the years and now we want to fix it. And it takes a lot more resolution than we've ever had in those prior years. And longevity is attached to it. And she also said that longevity is attached to gratitude. The gratitude and the attitude, the healthy outlook is something that really makes for a long, enjoyable life. [00:03:25] Speaker C: I second that one for sure. [00:03:27] Speaker B: Anything to add to that, sir? [00:03:30] Speaker C: Gratitude is such a common word that people use. I'm not sure if all of them really understand how great a word that is powerful. It should be used a hundred times a day. Talking with other people and thanking everything and everybody. I thank my car, it gets me to work every day. You know, I mean, these are weird things to say, but I'm so pleased with my friends with you, Michael Hatfield, I don't know. And your wife Nancy. Just my favorite people. Great to just be part of your lives in some small way and have these kinds of conversations. It makes me really happy and thankful. Wow. [00:04:13] Speaker B: Well, we couldn't have a better testament than that. Happy New Year to you, sir. [00:04:17] Speaker C: Oh, back at you. [00:04:19] Speaker A: The new year brings to us a new opportunity. It brings forth a new book of life, whether we're ready for it or not. We can create and write a book if we are wanting to have a personal guide to use ahead. After all, it is your book. One can choose to change nothing from last year and that book will be simply a repeat of the preceding year's chapters. We can also scribe a new book of one's brand new dreams for the New Year. Interestingly, T.S. eliot said, for last year's words belong to last year's language. And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning. I say it is your book, your pages to write your chapters and you are its author. [00:05:11] Speaker B: We have Suzanne and we have Nancy and they're both kind of like sparklers. So I'm going to ask Suzanne the first question. Suzanne, tell me about your New Year's resolution. What do you want to do different? [00:05:23] Speaker D: So I am going to call that my year of being selfish. And so I am going to set my calendar so I'm not booking any appointments until after 10am so I can have my morning half to myself. And that's going to also include dedicating at least 30 minutes to some kind of self workout or some kind of self self improvement Meditation. Yeah, meditation. [00:05:47] Speaker B: You meditate? [00:05:48] Speaker D: I do, I meditate. I tend to do that in the evening though. [00:05:52] Speaker B: Do you pray? [00:05:52] Speaker D: I do. I pray every morning. But it's more like doing yoga, pilates, some kind of workout. [00:06:00] Speaker E: I like that too because I find myself on a daily basis praying in the morning or just praying during the day. More like. I think of it as just talking to my higher power. [00:06:12] Speaker D: Yes, God, yes. [00:06:13] Speaker E: However you view that. But that's kind of makes me happy and makes me feel great and works well. [00:06:20] Speaker D: I actually incorporate prayer with a lot of my clients. We pray before we have meetings, we pray on their situations. So I incorporate that too. I think it's really empower, empowering. [00:06:31] Speaker E: I agree. [00:06:34] Speaker B: But you had a second resolution. [00:06:36] Speaker D: I do. And that is taking at least one weekend every month for my husband and I to get away in our new van and just have some self reflection and do a little fishing and kind of get away from life. [00:06:51] Speaker B: Reminds me of an eagle song somewhere back in there. What's your next resolution for 24? Dear lady, my wife. [00:06:58] Speaker E: So mine, I would say being in the present more often I try to be in the present, not reflecting on past things and what's happened maybe that I'm not so happy about and maybe not worrying about the future tomorrow and this and that and all the things I definitely can't control. But more or less just being present. I do try to do that. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to do that even more. So that's something. [00:07:26] Speaker B: Gratitude there. [00:07:27] Speaker D: Yes. [00:07:28] Speaker B: Cindy, do you like gratitude? [00:07:29] Speaker D: Oh yes, very much so. [00:07:30] Speaker B: It's an underrated word. I think more gratitude could happen with, with everybody every day to keep on the positive side of life. Because everywhere around us there's things going on that puts us into a nose dive resolution. Maybe just to improve my attitude and keep that attitude in a positive way going into the new year. [00:07:54] Speaker E: And that's just self reminding, you know, you just remind yourself that I need to focus on all of the good things. And even when there are things that maybe we don't view as good, there's always a purpose and a reason for those. So I think that's just one way to look at that. Michael. [00:08:12] Speaker B: I think Mark Twain said now's the time for all good men and women to put together the resolutions and then two weeks from now just go to Hades with them because that's where they end up going. They nobody ever follows through. It's an execution thing. I think it's an execution thing. Do you have any more about your resolutions for this next year? You're already in shape so you don't have to worry about me, like I gotta get in shape. [00:08:38] Speaker D: No, but it's more for just taking that time out in the morning for myself, like for my well being and because we just got through, you know, a crazy four years of pandemic madness. So now it's time to mentally get back in shape. [00:08:54] Speaker B: I think it was you that was saying that during that period of time you were contributing to businesses just to keep them alive to get through that really tough time. But you know, one of the problems is that people's memories are very short. They will forget problems. And also sometimes a benefit is they'll forget like 9, 11, they will forget and it's good, pardon me, to be reminded of that, that you know, you go through tough times. It's a time to be really happy for what you have. [00:09:24] Speaker D: Absolutely, absolutely. So that's why I'm taking some time out just to now it's my time, you know, self reflect and get back in mental shape. [00:09:33] Speaker B: What does the husband think about that? [00:09:35] Speaker D: Oh, he's already doing it. He takes about three hours every day to do his routine of cold plunging and meditation. He goes on a hike, he does a workout, he just, he takes all this time out for his own self. And I've seen this amazing transformation, transformation in himself. [00:09:53] Speaker E: What a great role model. [00:09:54] Speaker D: Yeah. And he's working on writing a book. And so I just been seeing this transformation of taking his I call it me time and just seeing how it's reflecting through his book and through his attitudes. It's been amazing. [00:10:07] Speaker B: You know, I talked with him once and he told me about this cold plunging and then how it actually re centers him. [00:10:13] Speaker D: Yes. [00:10:14] Speaker B: And I says I just use coffee, Michael. [00:10:18] Speaker D: Well, with him it's not just recentering but it's also the inflammation. For those who don't know, my husband played pro football for 11 years and so he's got a lot of injuries in his body and so it's just, it's really has helped him with his inflammation and just weight loss and his mental. [00:10:38] Speaker E: So it's been great health and wellness. [00:10:40] Speaker D: Yes. [00:10:41] Speaker E: Fabulous. [00:10:41] Speaker B: He's going to be on me now to take cold plunges to lose the weight and to get in better shape. Sounds like some wonderful resolution for next year, ladies and thank you for sharing Suzanne and my beloved Nancy. [00:10:55] Speaker A: We're going to take a short break. We'll be right back. Welcome to the Real Estate Minute with Re Max expert Michael Hatfield. Michael, why choose an experienced agent? Complex issues arise in a home buy or sell. Your agent guides you through issues in multiple offer situations. First time home buyer needs problems with inspections, financing and escrow Experience Experience Agents sort and then solve problems. Do agents work differently now than in prior years? Buyers used to go to an office, thumb through a book, see pictures, then decide which homes to see. Nowadays, buyers identify properties themselves online so today's agent can focus on more critical priorities. How do you help clients? Michael we work with investment properties, multiple offers, first time home buyers, sellers, 1031, tax exchanges and relocations. Experience is pivotal. Call 925-322-7775 now. To schedule an appointment or complimentary home analysis, call the Michael Hatfield ReMax team at 925-322-7775 or go to michaelhatfieldhomes.com now back to our show. No new year is complete without talking to one of the best of the best and even the best of the best of the best his his wife to tell us what exactly is going on in the good doctor's life and forward to when you have just about everything, why would you ask for anything different? Have your patients giving you anything to move forward with in a New Year's resolution? [00:12:30] Speaker F: Dr. Sri Yes, a lot before the patients. I want to make sure that I become a better person and accept some degree who surround me at work. Every individual has some at least perceived flaws but you have to accept them for who they are, not try to pick on them. I want to become a better person in accepting and engaging with everybody equally. And this is something that I am going to absolutely and resolutely follow for the new year to be inclusive and accept different ideas other than my own and see what is the point that they're trying to make. I think that's a good resolution for me that in turn will lead me to provide better patient care. [00:13:26] Speaker B: Well, I think you're already the best of the best so trying to do better and the search of excellence is always great. [00:13:32] Speaker A: Well, what say you Mrs. Dr. Sri? What do you think about for the New year? [00:13:37] Speaker G: Yeah, I've been thinking about it for the last three to four months and I think there are two simple things that I have come up with I should probably strive to do. The first one is I have been all indulging and splurging in myself the last few years. I think I want to cut that down and give less focus on material things. Enjoy whatever I have so far and not wanting to keep getting more things, material things. That's number one and number two. So I think I would like to to be active and the first step of doing that would be to start wearing my Apple watch and get 10 to 12,000 steps every day. [00:14:19] Speaker B: A very simple goal, to take care of your health better than what you have in the past. Somebody said that, you know, we've taken. [00:14:27] Speaker A: A lot of years and done a lot of damage. [00:14:29] Speaker B: You just don't fix it overnight. [00:14:31] Speaker A: And it's a change of habit. I have to say from yours truly and my viewpoint, my habits have not. [00:14:38] Speaker B: Been that great and I need to improve upon them. [00:14:41] Speaker A: What about the family as a whole? Your family, your wonderful family, what are they taking on as New Year's resolutions? [00:14:51] Speaker F: Yeah, my son, you know, he's settled into a new house with my daughter in law and my beautiful granddaughter, we think, although we don't know whether we may want to have a second grandchild. But our daughter is finishing her nutrition masters and she's going to start as a nutritionist on June 1st. We're excited to look forward to that. And of course, last but not the least, my bride here, Maya is turning 60 next year and we're excited to. I'm excited that she's going to join me in the 60 plus. [00:15:39] Speaker B: Well, that's, that's a good club to. [00:15:41] Speaker A: Be in for sure. Now we've spoken about gratitude and a guest on the show a little bit earlier was talking about gratitude and all it means and he said, you know, that is the most underused word in the Alphabet. [00:15:58] Speaker B: And I mean he's in, in the. [00:16:00] Speaker A: Whole dictionary he says we should be working that during the day 10 to 15 times just being grateful for what we have. So what are your thoughts? [00:16:15] Speaker F: I have a lot of gratitude to a lot of people, of course. First my mom who raised me against all the odds and believed in me. And of course my wife who married me at a time when I was nobody. And I have to, if I have to think of professionally, people really lifted me up. I have to say. There are three people spring to mind immediately. One is a guy, David Weisinger. He is the chair of medicine in Valley Wise Pascuale Palombo in Mayo Clinic as a chair. And I would say Dr. Chris Appleton was a chair of cardiology when I was a fellow, really helped me to get into going into electrophysiology with a lot of financial assistance. So that I had by the time my kids were 10 years and it really helped me through. So these are three professional people. And besides the profession of course I have to thank my mom and my wife for being with me through this journey. [00:17:29] Speaker B: Well, not to mention those children that you have that are no longer children. Incidentally, their son is a noted physician also. [00:17:40] Speaker A: We're going to take a short break. [00:17:42] Speaker B: Be right back. [00:17:43] Speaker E: ReMax buying or selling a home. Choose the Michael Hatfield ReMax team with 10 offices in the Bay Area. Tell us more. [00:17:52] Speaker D: Working with Michael and Nancy, I was a first time home buyer and I was very nervous about the process. I didn't really know what to expect. Michael and Nancy were able to take that fear away from me and answered all of my questions. They were right by my side the entire time and they really helped me find the perfect home for me and I'm so thankful. Experience to the whole home buying process. He was very professional and both Michael and Nancy went way above and beyond to help us and to help us. [00:18:20] Speaker E: Achieve the house of our dreams. When experience is important to you in buying or selling your home, call the Michael Hatfield ReMax team at 925-322-7775. When buying or selling real estate, let us help you. Go to michaelhatfieldhomes.com when experience matters to you on 925-322-7775. [00:18:45] Speaker A: Michael, what traits should we look for in selecting an agent? Look for a deal maker with a positive attitude who will work tirelessly for you. An agent who is adept in multiple offer situations, drafting contracts, marketing and advertising. A client's home is familiar with multiple cultures, experienced in mortgage financing. Inspections and escrow is a huge asset to his client. What can you do as a plus for clients? Your agent is your eyes and your ears. One who works behind the scenes on your behalf. A great attitude, working well with others and keeping Clients Priorities number one is a given for us. Call 925-322-7775 now. Now back to our show. [00:19:27] Speaker B: But what I have to say is that you lead by example and you've always led by example. And that's one of the greatest traits I think that a person can offer. [00:19:38] Speaker A: Anyone else, especially going forward into the new year. [00:19:42] Speaker B: You know, just leading by example and saying, hey, you know, I'm going to try to do better and I'm hoping everyone else will too. And trying to be accepting of that too. It's always wonderful to speak with the good Dr. Sri from Mayo Clinic. He is one of the world's finest. And the reason really is that his wife is behind him. She is a force to be reckoned with with and a very, very nice person behind them. So thank you Dr. Sri and your lovely bride Maya. [00:20:15] Speaker G: Thank you, Michael. Thank you so much for having us. [00:20:18] Speaker F: It's such an honor to know you and be there in your program. Thank you so much, Maya. [00:20:23] Speaker A: I personally am one of those persons who must have some kind of destination to chart my course. Thus, if I fail to write a new book when resolutions become due, I feel like a boat on the water without a rudder, just floating around aimlessly. I require a guide to move forward with conviction of any kind. Historically, the oldest message in a bottle was tossed into the Indian Ocean in 1886 from a ship, then bumped around in the ocean for 132 years before being found on a beach in Western Australia. It was bobbing around in the ocean all those years, drifting this way, then that way, on ocean currents with no set direction at the whim of the elements. In 1886, interestingly, the first year that households in Massachusetts received AC power, the Haymarket riot occurred in Chicago. The year the first tuxedo was worn to dinner and Grover Cleveland was US President. A whole Lot of life. If generations of families pass by those 132 years of floating, do I wish my life to be like that? Or will I scribe a brand new book this new year with new direction, a goal that is both exciting and rewarding to move forward. It's a given that if I wake the day with a happy and joyful grateful heart, my day story will play out much more rewarding. Perhaps any resolutions that I make for the New year should be made with that same joyful attitude and happy heart. Ultimately, any story we write it is ours and we write it each of us. Or we can default to what the story was last year. At dinner last night with a wonderful couple, we were discussing the issue of goal setting. I shared how most people are so darn busy earning a living raising families, they do not set aside the time to really contemplate their goals and their direction. I use the example of how yours truly determinately concentrated on a career direction way back in my teens and thus decided I was going to be a pilot. But now I find life so hectic and busy I forget to go plan and that is not a desirable mindset for me. I compare it to floating around in a bottle in the ocean not knowing where it's going to end up. Okay, like when we pray, we should just get down on our knees when the moment strikes, but we should also plan time for goal setting. Now I consider that if I do not plan and create goals resolutions, then it is likely the upcoming new year may become a repeat of the year just passed. Maybe we should celebrate the year's ending Heartily so that we can have a clear slate to set a new beginning. I like the way Edith Pearce puts it. We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity, and its first chapter is New Year's Day. [00:23:54] Speaker D: Yeah. Gratitude is very much a learned skill. So it's something that we do need to practice on a daily basis. So practice. One way to practice is to every morning starting out with things that you're grateful for, even. Even appreciating yourself, not just other people, but appreciating what you are able to do every morning. So that's a real important part of just overall happiness. I promote mental funness versus mental toughness. I like to promote having fun. So the five Fs for resolution. [00:24:41] Speaker E: Yes. I mean, we were just conversing and it's all. No, it's about, number one, being the faith in your life, your family, your friendships, your finances. And on top of that, fun. [00:25:04] Speaker D: Absolutely. The five Fs. [00:25:06] Speaker B: What do you have to say about it? [00:25:07] Speaker D: I totally agree with the five Fs. [00:25:09] Speaker B: Okay, are you done? [00:25:10] Speaker D: Now we're done. [00:25:11] Speaker E: Maybe, maybe not. [00:25:13] Speaker A: Always bear in mind your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. That's Abraham Lincoln. And another calming thought is the best days of our lives haven't even happened yet, and we can always reinvent ourselves. Here's to a bright new year and a fond farewell to the old. Here's to the things that are yet to come and to the memories that we hold. Well, thanks for hanging out with us this morning. I've had a great time talking with some really nice people about their plans and their resolutions. After all, resolutions are important if you're going to have a plan in the new year and not just default to what you did the year before. So with that in mind, I'd like to say thanks to all and the very best ever of New Year's. You've been listening to real Estate and more interesting people topics of the day like resolutions. And of course, there is real estate. You can listen to archive real estate and more [email protected] radio. That's michaelhatfieldhomes.com Radio. The real estate and more show is available on demand on Spotify, Amazon, Apple, Iheart and on most directories as well. Tune in next week. Until then, have a wonderful new year and a blessed week. [00:26:46] Speaker C: The views and opinions expressed are based on current economic and market conditions and are subject to change. Information on the show provided for Illustrator purposes only does not constitute professional or legal advice. Information from sources deemed reliable, but accuracy and completeness not guaranteed. Michael Hatfield and The Michael Hatfield ReMax team have no liability for information discussed on the show. Consult with qualified professionals prior to taking action. [00:27:15] Speaker E: We at the Michael Hatfield ReMax team enjoy representing our valued clients. If you or someone you know is interested in buying or selling and wishes to schedule a complimentary appointment with The Michael Hatfield ReMax team, call us at 925-322-7775, that's 925-322-7775 or go to our website michaelhatfieldhomes.com I'm Michael Hatfield. [00:27:41] Speaker A: Thank you for listening today. Join us next Saturday for the next real estate and more when we again sharpen our focus on how's the market. [00:27:50] Speaker E: Join us next Saturday and have a wonderful week. Best wishes and blessings to you. Dre 01493761. [00:28:00] Speaker A: Please remember to go to our new YouTube handle, my real Talk Show. That's My Real talk [email protected] and touch that subscribe button. You can also find past aired shows at our handle myrealtalkshow on YouTube.com. [00:28:24] Speaker B: Sa.

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